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Are you sleeping on someone else’s couch or in their basement?
Perhaps at the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor?

For some young people, living at home with family isn’t possible. And rent today is so
high, many young people simply can’t afford to get their own place!

If you’re living with a trusted adult and it feels safe and supportive, you may qualify for
help through Open Doors for Youth OPEN HOMES program!

Do you feel in the way?

We get that couch-hopping can be really stressful. You feel
like an “extra.” You feel like you should help out but maybe you’re not sure what to do.
You’re not even sure that what you can do to help is enough to make a difference. You
may not have a space to call your own. Maybe sometimes there are arguments about

“There was a lot of anxiety and fear wrapped up in trying to stay different places and
feeling that I didn’t want to overstay my welcome and trying to help out as much as I
can…trying to not be as visible…you know, if they don’t notice me, I can stay longer.”

   ~Amy, a teenage couch-hopper


But, you might really like where you’re staying. It feels like a safe and stable place
to be and you want it to work out for a while.

“The relationship I have with Joe is one I’ve always wanted with my parents but I still
don’t have with them…he gives really good advice…asks me how school is going. He’s,
like, really supportive. And he constantly talks about how he wants me to go to college.
So he really wants me to better myself…
   ~Sam, staying with his friend’s dad


We get it! And we can help!
If you’re staying with a caring adult and you want to keep staying there, let Open Doors
for Youth turn your couch-hopping arrangement into an OPEN HOME.

We can:

  • Listen and help you solve problems

  • Help you with goals and connect you with community resources

  • Help you with things like food, clothing, and hygiene supplies

  • Provide a listening ear for the adult you’re staying with

  • Help create an agreement about shared expectations so that everyone starts—and stays—on the same page

  • Ongoing support and help for you and the people you’re staying with

  • Moderate financial help


Who’s eligible?
Youth and young adults 16 to 24 years old and the adults they are staying with, who live
in Elk River or surrounding communities, including Becker, Big Lake, Otsego,
Monticello, Princeton, St. Michael/Albertville, Rogers, and Zimmerman.

To learn more about whether or not where you’re staying qualifies for help from Open
Doors for Youth, contact Cindy Ley at or 763-441-1473.

Open Doors only supports OPEN HOME arrangements where young people are
physically, emotionally, and sexually safe.


Open Doors for Youth is proud to partner with CloseKnit to create the OPEN HOMES
program. To learn more about CloseKnit (formerly the Minnesota Host Home Network)
and founder and director Jacqueline White, go to









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